Advanced Voice Processing Systems
e.sigma Advanced Voice Processing Solutions consist of a state-of-the-art voice recognizing framework and an expressive/emotional Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine system. Its combination offers a professional dialog interface to create stand-alone applications utilizing a voice driven command interface and an expressive speech output for enhanced system interactions. The system enables a unique and natural voice interface for procedural trainers including language and phraseology verification capabilities.
Operational Benefits:
- Natural language command interface
- Automatic language skill verification
- Robust non-native recognition
- Intelligibilty and pronunciation evaluation
- Customizable domain and phraseology support
- Realistic expressive limited domain TTS voices
- Noise robust voice interface suitable for live scenarios
Technical Features:
- In-house training facilities for optimized results
- Speaker- and language-independent system
- Domain-specific recognition optimization
- More than 16 major languages available
- Customer API for flexible system integration
- Dialog Management System for process automation
- Fast and easy creation system for customizable TTS voices